7 CFR § 273.29 & 7 CFR § 273.30

EDGs are not required to report changes during the TBA benefit period.  

Changes Causing a Decrease in Benefits

7 CFR § 273.30

If changes are reported during the TBA benefit period that would decrease benefits, such as increased EDG income, record the change in case notes.  Act on the change at renewal

Changes Causing an Increase in Benefits

7 CFR § 273.30

If changes are reported during the TBA benefit period that increase the TBA benefit, offer the EDG the option to complete a renewal for SNAP.  If the EDG does not complete a renewal, continue TBA with no change in benefits.

Member Leaves the EDG

7 CFR § 273.30

To prevent duplicate participation, act on the change only if an EDG member leaves the EDG to apply as their own EDG, or requests addition to another EDG.  Adjust the TBA benefits by removing: 

  • the EDG member who left, and 
  • that member’s income, assets, and deductible expenses.