7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)(i)-(iii)

EDGs must provide required verifications when the change increases benefits. 

Increase the benefit amount the month after the month the change becomes known if required verification was timely provided. See EDG Fails to Provide Verification and EDG Verifies After the 10-day Verification Request Period when verification is not provided timely.

When the change can’t be made by the month after the month the change became known, restore the underpayment.

Example: The EDG reports on August 28 their income decreased by $60 and required verification was provided. The worker timely acted on the change on September 2. The benefits are increased for October and a restoration of the underpayment is issued for the month of September.

EDG Fails to Provide Verification 

7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)(iii)

Determine benefits without making the change when the EDG fails to provide required verifications by the due date. Obtain the required verification at renewal. 

EDG Verifies After the 10-day Verification Request Period

7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)(iii)

Increase benefits the month after the month the change was verified for EDGs failing to provide verification within 10 days.

Example:  The EDG reports on August 10 their income decreased by $60 but verification was not provided.  The worker requested verification with a due date of August 21.  The EDG verifies the income decrease on September 15.  Increase the EDG’s benefit effective for October.  Do not issue an underpayment for the month of September.