7 CFR § 273.1(a)(1)-(3)

Individuals who live together and share food must be included in the SNAP EDG.  Individuals share food if they:

  • share in the cost of buying food, 
  • share in preparing the food, regardless of who paid for it, or
  • eat from the same food supply, regardless of who paid for it.

Types of EDGs are:

  • An individual living alone.
  • A group of individuals living together who share food.
  • An individual (or group of individuals) living with others, but who do not share food with the others.  

Note: The intent to purchase food and prepare meals separately also establishes separate EDG status, even if the intent depends on receiving SNAP.  

Exception: Individuals identified in Relationships must be in the same SNAP EDG with the other individuals they live with, even if they purchase/prepare separately.

Elderly and Unable to Purchase/Prepare Food

7 CFR § 273.1(b)(2)

An individual and their spouse together may be a separate EDG,  even if they purchase and prepare with others, if all of the following are true:

Discuss the following options with the household:

  • Apply as one EDG with all household members; or
  • Apply as a separate EDG (with spouse).