Replacement of Stolen SNAP Benefits
Due to a change in federal law, DSS is now piloting a process of replacing stolen SNAP benefits between October 1, 2022 – December 20, 2024. The process will begin June 2, 2023.
For the purposes of this pilot, stolen benefits are SNAP benefits that are taken from an EBT card due to skimming, cloning or other fraudulent methods.
Note: This process is not to be used to replace P-EBT benefits or for EDGs who have had their physical EBT cards stolen.
If an EDG reports benefits were stolen between October 1, 2022- June 1, 2023, they have until July 2, 2023, to report and request a replacement.
If benefits were stolen between June 2, 2023- December 20, 2024, EDGs have 30 calendar days from the date they discover their benefits were stolen to notify the department.
Determining Eligibility for Replacement
Complete the following steps to determine the EDG’s eligibility and replacement amount:
- EDGs have 30 calendar days from the date they discovered their benefits were stolen to request a replacement.
- Once an EDG reports a loss of benefits, DSS will immediately (but no later than 5 business days) advise the EDG to complete the Request for Replacement of Stolen SNAP Benefits form (W-3037/W-3037S).
- A case note must be entered along with the date the Request for Replacement of Stolen SNAP Benefits Form (W-3037/W-3037S) was issued.
- EDGs must be notified that they must change their PIN number or may request a new EBT card prior to replacement benefits being issued.
- The EDG will have 10 calendar days from the date the form is sent to complete and return the Request for Replacement of Stolen SNAP Benefits form via mail, in-person, or online.
- DSS will have 30 business days from receipt of the Request for Replacement of Stolen SNAP Benefits form to review claims requests, make a replacement determination, and issue replacement benefits, if appropriate.
- Replacement benefits due to theft cannot exceed the amount of two months' of SNAP benefits or the amount of the actual reported loss, whichever is less.
- Benefits lost due to theft cannot be replaced more than two times in a federal fiscal year (FFY) running October-September.
- Depending on the outcome, DSS will either issue approved replacement benefits or issue a denial. In either instance, the Notice of Action – Request for Replacement of Stolen Benefits letter (W-3036N/ W-3036NS) will be issued to the EDG.
- If the EDG disagrees with determination, they may request a fair hearing within ninety (90) days.
All EDGs who make a request for the replacement of SNAP benefits will be provided a Notice of Action – Request for Replacement of Stolen Benefits form. This form informs EDGs of the following: “If you think DSS made a mistake you may request a hearing within ninety (90) days of the date of this notice by calling 1-800-462-0134, or by written request faxed to (860) 424-5729 or mailed to: Department of Social Services, Office of Legal Counsel, Regulations, and Administrative Hearings, 55 Farmington Ave., Hartford, CT 06105.”
Note: Replacement benefits will not be made when a fair hearings appeal is pending for the replacement of stolen benefits.
See Intentional Program Violation (IPV) policies when the EDG knowingly gives false information
See Replacement of SNAP Benefits in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023
Last Update
Source # 15
Effective Date: 10/01/2024