7 CFR § 273.2(b)(1)(i) and (f)
Verification is used to confirm the accuracy of statements or information. Verification may be provided:
- by mail,
- in-person,
- over the phone for collateral contact verifications, or
- uploaded on ConneCT through MyAccount.
EDG Responsibility
7 CFR § 273.2(d)(1) and (f)(5)
EDGs have the primary responsibility to provide verification to support statements on the application and to resolve any questionable information.
Take the following actions when the EDG fails to provide required verification, or respond to a request for verification without good cause:
- Applications: Deny for failure to verify; or approve benefits without the expense.
- Recipients: Close the case; or adjust benefits as specified for the eligibility item that changed.
Enter case notes about why the action was taken.
Agency Assistance
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(5)
Workers must offer to help the EDG get verification when the EDG reports difficulty in getting verification, or requests help.
Attempt to secure all verification necessary to grant or deny an applicant at first contact. This is known as “first touch resolution”. First touch resolution saves time by eliminating the need for the applicant to follow up with additional contacts.
Complete a form W-1348, Proofs We Need, if there is missing information is needed to determine eligibility.
Request for Verification
7 CFR § 273.2(b)(5) and (f)(1)-(4)
Workers may discuss the verifications needed with the EDG, but must follow-up in writing using a W-1348, Verifications We Need Checklist. The W-1348 must include the due date to provide the verification. Allow the EDG at least 10-days to return the verification.
Avoid requesting unnecessary verifications, denying applications, or closing cases when verifications are already available from:
- automated sources,
- scanning, or
- written copy.
See Verification Requirements by Element and Activity for requirements.