Head of Household - The individual responsible for the care or supervision of the household, unless the household chooses another adult member.

The head of household for application purposes is the adult household member selected by the household to:

  • complete and submit the application,
  • select a PIN for the EBT card, and
  • use the EBT card.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) - Public Law 104-191 which sets privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to doctors, health plans, hospitals, and other health care providers.

Hearing Officer - An appointed individual who provides an impartial and objective review of the agency’s actions against an EDG’s case. The hearing officer provides a fair decision of the agency’s actions, based on Federal laws and regulations.

Hmong or Highland Laotian - Two of the 48 ethnic groups of individuals from Laos.

Homeless - Individuals or groups without a fixed and regular nighttime residence, or whose primary nighttime residence is:

  • A halfway house or similar institution providing temporary residences for individuals intended to be institutionalized;
  • Temporary accommodations in hotels, motels, or shelters;
  • Temporary accommodations in the residence of another individual, for not more than 90 days; or
  • A place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. 

For example, bus stations, hallways, lobbies, cars.

Homeless Shelters - A public or private nonprofit facility that provides temporary housing for homeless individuals.

Housebound Allowance - A benefit paid to veterans and surviving spouses who are substantially confined to their immediate premises because of permanent disability.

Household Goods - Items used in and about the home to maintain the home and the occupants.

HUD - United States Department of Housing and Urban Development