7 CFR § 272.1(f)(1)-(3)

Keep all case information for no less than 3 years for audit and review purposes.

Fiscal or Administrative Closure

7 CFR § 272.1(f)(1)

Keep fiscal records and accountable documents for 3 years from the date of fiscal or administrative closure.  Fiscal records and accountable documents include but are not limited to:

  • Claims
  • Documentation of lost benefits

Intentional Program Violation Records

7 CFR § 272.1(f)(2)-(3)

Keep IPV records and related notices until: 

  • the individual who committed the IPV dies, or 
  • FNS advises, through eDRS, the individual who committed IPV is 80 years old.  

Exception:  Delete eDRS records when the information is inaccurate, incomplete, or no longer applies. 

Last Update 

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