General Information
SNAP Purpose
7 CFR § 271.1(a)
The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, authorizes and is the foundation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP helps low income individuals and families stretch their food budget and put healthy meals on the table every day.
State Agency Responsibilities
7 CFR § 271.4(a)-(b) & 7 CFR § 271.6 (a) & 7 CFR 272.1(c)-(d) 7 CFR § 272.2(a)-(f) & 7 CFR § 272.3(a)-(d) & 7 CFR § 272.4(a)-(g) & 7 CFR § 272.5(a)-(c) & 7 CFR § 272.6(a)-(h) & 7 CFR § 272.8(a)-(e) & 7 CFR § 272.9 & & 7 CFR § 272.10(a)-(b) & 7 CFR § 272.11(a)-(e) & 7 CFR § 272.12(a)-(c) & 7 CFR § 272.13(a)-(c) & 7 CFR § 272.15(a)-(b) & 7 CFR § 272.16(a)-(c)
The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) delegates to the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) the responsibility for the administration of the SNAP program within the State. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Approving applicant EDGs in compliance with Federal regulations.
- Approving homeless meal providers, unless delegated to another State agency.
- Complying with administration and personnel requirements.
- Complying with and providing equal service without regard to age, color, disability, handicap, national origin, political belief, race, religion, or sex, based on the following:
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Section 11(c) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended
- Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Complying with Automated Data Processing/Computerization of Information Systems (ADP/CIS) Plan requirements.
- Complying with computer matching requirements including but not limited to:
- Deceased individual match
- Income and Eligibility Verification System
- National Directory of New Hires
- Prisoner Verification System
- Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program
- Conducting performance reporting reviews such as Quality Control (QC) and Management Evaluation (ME).
- Developing and maintaining complaint procedures.
- Developing, conducting, and evaluating training.
- Following nondiscrimination compliance
- Implementing programs and being responsive to special needs of Native Americans on reservations, and working in good faith with tribal organizations.
- Issuance, control, and accountability of SNAP benefits.
- Keeping records necessary to determine whether the program is conducted in compliance with Federal regulations.
- Processing recipient claims and underpayments.
- Program informational activities.
- Providing staff with the needed forms, and written guidelines and operating procedures to administer the program.
- Reporting any major changes in the program operation.
- Submitting accurate and timely financial and program reports.
Last Update
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Effective Date