
The EDG has 5 members. Three members are eligible for SNAP. One ineligible member has unearned income of $150 per month. Divide the total ineligible member’s unearned income by the total number of household members (eligible and ineligible members) $150 ÷ 5 = $30. Multiply $30 x 3 eligible members = $90. $90 is the eligible members’ prorated share of the ineligible member’s unearned income.


Example One: The EDG has 4 members. Three members are eligible for SNAP. The ineligible member pays $100 per month legally obligated child support. Divide the total ineligible member’s expense by the number of EDG members (eligible and ineligible members) $100 ÷ 4 = $25. Multiply $25 x 3 eligible members = $75. $75 is the eligible members’ prorated share of the ineligible member’s legally obligated child support expense.

Example 2: The EDG has 2 members. One member is eligible for SNAP. One member is an elderly and an ineligible member. The ineligible elderly member has medical expenses greater than $35 and is responsible for the heat bill. Prorate the ineligible elderly member’s medical expenses and allow the full SUA

Note: The EDG is subject to both the gross income limit and the excess shelter deduction maximum because the only elderly or disabled member is ineligible.

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