7 CFR § 272.1(c)(1)-(2) & 7 CFR § 272.8 & 7 CFR § 272.11 & 7 CFR 272.12 & 7 CFR 272.13 & 7 CFR 272.14 & 7 CFR 272.16 & 7 CFR § 273.2(f)(4) & 7 CFR § 273.12(e)(3)(ii)

Act on information from data matches  within 10 days of receipt.  

Exception:  Complete all action for IEVS information no later than 45 days after receipt.  Follow policy in benefit increase or benefit decrease/case closure when acting on changes reported through data matches.

The following data matches are verified upon receipt:

Unclear Data Match Information

7 CFR § 273.12(c)(3)(ii)(B)

Send a W-3016 for data matches not verified upon receipt. Allow the EDG 10 days to respond. Include in the notice:

  • what information the EDG must provide, and
  • what will happen if the EDG fails to provide the required information.

Remove the individual named in the data match from the case if the EDG fails to provide required information by the W-3016 due date. Issue a NOA providing advance notice.