7 CFR § 273.24(b) and (d)(1)-(3)

ABAWDs can regain eligibility at any time, if otherwise eligible, by meeting one of the following requirements:

Note: Eligibility is not granted until verification is received that the 30-day work requirement participation hours were met.  

There is no limit to the number of times ABAWDs can regain eligibility.

One-Time Consecutive 3-Month Period

7 CFR § 273.24(e)

Allow a one-time, consecutive 3 months in a 36-month period when the ABAWD met the ABAWD work requirements after receiving their 3-countable months, but no longer meets the work requirements. The one-time consecutive 3 months start: 

  • when the individual notifies DSS they no longer meet the work requirement, or 
  • DSS determines the individual isn’t meeting the work requirement.

Note: The three additional months only applies to time-limited participants that regain eligibility by meeting the ABAWD work requirement over 30 consecutive days; they do not apply to time-limited participants that become eligible again for other reasons.  

Example: The ABAWD was working 80 hours a month since their 3-month countable months were used. The ABAWD reports in September they are no longer working. The one-time consecutive 3-month period runs for the months of October, November and December. The ABAWD becomes ineligible effective January 1 unless they meet a work requirement or an exemption.  

When the one-time consecutive 3-month period starts, the 3 months continue uninterrupted for any reason, including case closure. 

Example: An ABAWD begins the one-time consecutive 3 months in July. The consecutive months are July, August and September. The case closes effective September 1. The ABAWD reapplies in November but is not meeting any work requirement or an exemption. Even though the ABAWD didn’t receive benefits for September, they cannot receive the last month, because their additional consecutive 3 months ran through September.