7 CFR § 273.9(b)(1)(ii) & 7 CFR § 273.11(a)-(b)
Self-employment income is earned directly from a business or profession, rather than a specified salary or wages from an employer.
- Self-employment exists when there is no employer/employee relationship.
- Tax and Social Security payments are the self-employed individual’s responsibility.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Dependent care providers
- Farmers
- Independent contractors
- Newspaper carriers
Income received from a partnership or S-Corporation is self-employment income.
Income received from a C-Corporation is not self-employment income. Treat income from a corporation as follows:
- Wages and profits paid from a corporation are earned income. Budget like any other earned income.
- Annualize dividends and other unearned income paid from the corporation.
Note: Do not budget corporation losses identified on IRS Form Schedule E.
Last Update
Source # 4
Effective Date: 7/26/19