7 CFR § 273.12(c)(3)

You may get information about an EDG’s circumstances which is not clear enough to determine the effect on the EDG’s eligibility or benefit amounts. The information may come from a third party or from the EDG.

If there is not enough information reported to request specific verification, send a W-3018 using the "We Need More Information" screen under the following circumstances. The information:

  • is new information that indicates significant differences with information used to approve the case.

Note: The reported information must be about circumstances that existed at the time of the interview. Or,

  • is change information fewer than 60 days old from the current month, and
  • if accurate, would have required the EDG to report the information. See Mandatory Reporting Requirements.

Allow the EDG 12 days to complete actions to clarify, and verify (if applicable) the unclear information. By populating the "We Need More Information" screen, the W-3018 form will include:

  • the due date, and
  • what will happen if the EDG fails to respond.

Act on the information at PRF or renewal, whichever occurs first, if the information doesn’t meet the above circumstances.

EDG Responds to the W-3018

7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)-(3)(i)(B)

Determine whether the change will increase or decrease/close the case.  Act on the change following Benefit Increase or Benefit Decrease/Case Closure policy.

EDG Fails to Respond to the W-3018

7 CFR § 273.12(c)(3)(i)(B)

The system will issue a NOA providing advance notice for case closure if the EDG fails to clarify, and verify (if applicable) the requested information by the W-3018 due date.