7 CFR § 273.12(e)(1)-(3)(ii)

Mass changes are changes to eligibility or benefits on all SNAP cases, or a large number of cases, based on State or Federal government regulations or laws.  The change is effective at the same time for all cases.

These changes include, but are not limited to:

Mass Changes for SNAP Benefits, Deductions, Eligibility Standards and State Utility Standards

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(1)(i)-(ii)

ImpaCT processes these mass changes.  Generally, this update is effective in October.  ImpaCT issues a NOA to EDGs whose benefits changed.  Pending applications or cases in override are not updated.  ImpaCT issues a report identifying cases not updated requiring worker action.

Mass Railroad Retirement, Social Security, SSI Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) 

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(3)

ImpaCT processes the SNAP benefit mass change for any cases receiving Railroad Retirement, Social Security Benefits, or SSI.  ImpaCT issues a NOA to EDGs whose benefits changed.  Pending applications or cases in override are not updated.  ImpaCT issues a report identifying cases not updated requiring worker action.

Mass TFA or SAGA Changes

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(2)(i)-(ii)

ImpaCT processes a SNAP benefit mass change for any cases with a companion TFA or SAGA case, when a mass change in TFA or SAGA benefits occurs.  ImpaCT issues a NOA to EDGs whose benefits changed.  Pending applications or cases in override are not updated.  ImpaCT issues a report identifying cases not updated requiring worker action.

Worker Required Actions for Mass Updates

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(1)-(4)

Workers receive a report for any cases not updated by ImpaCT.  Individual mass change notices are required.

Fair Hearings

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(5)

EDGs have the right to request a fair hearing when they disagree with a change made by a mass change. 

Continued Benefits 

7 CFR § 273.12(e)(6)(i)-(iii)

EDGs requesting a fair hearing are eligible to be reinstated or receive continued benefits, at the amount received before the mass update, if the EDG:

  • did not waive its right to continued benefits,
  • makes a timely hearing request, and
  • claims benefits were:
    • computed incorrectly, or
    • the rules were misapplied/misinterpreted.