7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(A)-(C) & 7 CFR § 273.4(c)(5)
Inform the EDG of the following options when verification is required and not provided on a timely basis:
- Withdraw their application; or
- Determine the eligibility of the remaining members.
Note: The EDG may request the worker not complete a SAVE query or otherwise contact USCIS. If the EDG makes that request, they must select one of the above options.
Budget the income, assets, and expenses of the ineligible member per Ineligible Members.
See Acceptable Non-Citizen Papers for sources.
Citizen Criteria
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(2)(i)-(ii)
Verify citizen criteria if questionable. See Suggested Verification Sources.
Eligible Non-Citizen
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(A)-(C)
Verification is required to determine eligible non-citizen status before approving or adding a non-citizen to SNAP benefits. See Acceptable Non-citizen Papers for the forms that confirm the non-citizen’s status.
After the USCIS form is received showing eligible status, use SAVE to confirm the form is accurate.
Exception: Non-citizens are eligible for SNAP benefits if they are in an eligible status and verification is pending as follows:
- Until a SAVE response is received regarding validation of the non-citizen’s USCIS documentation;
- Up to 6 months when SSA is reviewing qualifying work quarter history; or
- Up to 6 months after a request for verification of non-citizen status was sent to a Federal agency, other than USCIS.
Secondary Verification Needed
7 CFR § 272.11(d)
Pursue secondary verification of non-citizen status when:
- SAVE cannot confirm the verification, or
- there is a difference between the SAVE information and the provided verification.
Complete the agency areas and send a USCIS G-845, Verification Request, and G-845S, Verification Request Supplement if required, for each member, along with a copy of the front and back of the non-citizen’s verification, for review to USCIS.
Scan the G-845/G-845S to the case when returned.
Acceptable Non-Citizen Papers
SAVE must be used to confirm the papers presented by the non-citizen.
Non-citizen |
Acceptable Non-Citizen Papers |
Afghan Entrant |
Afghan Parolee |
USCIS recently announced that, effective Nov. 21, 2022, certain Ukrainian and Afghan parolees are employment authorized incident to their parole. This means that they do not need a Form I‑766, Employment Authorization Document, to be employment authorized. This updated policy guidance applies to the following individuals so long as their parole has not expired or been terminated:
Amerasian |
Asylee |
Battered Non-Citizen |
Canadian-Born Native American |
Conditional Entrant |
Cuban Entrant |
Deportation or Removal Withheld |
Haitian Entrant |
Hmong or Highland Laotian Tribal Member |
Could have entered as a refugee, asylee, or LPR
Note: The USCIS document may not identify the individual as Hmong or Highland Laotian Tribal Member. |
Iraqi Entrant |
Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LPR) |
Native American with Treaty Rights |
Parolee |
Refugee |
Trafficking Victim |
Ukranian Humanitarian Parolees |
Ineligible Non-Citizen
7 CFR § 273.4(b)(2)
Do not request verification of non-citizen status for individuals who are not participating in the program. This is true whether the individual claims to be lawfully or illegally present in the U.S.
Military Requirement
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii) & 7 CFR § 273.4(a)(6)(ii)(G)(1)-(3)
Verification of the active duty or veteran status is required.
Active duty can be verified with a:
- current Military Identification Card (DD Form 2 Active), or
- copy of current military orders
Veteran status can be verified using a discharge certificate (DD Form 214, or the equivalent) with the character of service rating of “Honorable Discharge”.
Note: “Under Honorable Conditions” does not meet this requirement.
Refer the individual to the VA if they don’t have verification.
Sponsored Non-Citizen
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(A)-(C) and (j)(2)(v) and (4)(iii)(E) & 7 CFR § 273.4(c)(4)-(5) & 7 CFR 273.11(c)(3)(i)-(v)
Sponsored non-citizens are responsible to provide information or verification about the sponsor (and sponsor’s spouse, if appropriate), and to obtain the cooperation from the sponsor at application and renewal. Allow the non-citizen at least 10 days to provide the information.
Verify the following information of the sponsor(s):
- Income
- Assets
- Names and other identifying information for non-citizens the sponsor(s) also sponsor
Exception: Verification is not required if the sponsor(s) gross countable income information was verified for another agency assistance program.
Assist the EDG obtain verification if they have difficulty getting verification. Access the SAVE program to obtain the following sponsor information:
- Name
- Address
- Social Security number
The non-citizen is ineligible if the information or verification is not provided. Budget the non-citizen’s income, assets and expenses following Ineligible Members policy.
Work Quarter Eligibility
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(2)(A)-(B)(2)
Verification of qualifying work quarters is required. Verify work quarters through SSA.
Verify last year’s and current work quarters not showing using any of the following sources, including but not limited to:
- Income tax forms
- Pay stubs
- W-2
See Qualifying Work Quarters Determination for the amount of earnings needed for each quarter.
Pending Dispute of Qualifying Work Quarters
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(2)(B)(2)
The individual is an eligible non-citizen when:
- the individual disagrees with SSA’s finding of qualifying work quarters, and
- provides verification SSA is checking for more qualifying quarters.
Approve the individual, if otherwise eligible, for SNAP up to 6 months from the date of SSA’s original finding.