7 CFR § 273.2(i)(4)(i)(B)

Although all verifications except identity can be postponed, attempt to verify as many SNAP eligibility factors as possible within the processing timeframes.  Review data matches on each adult EDG member to ensure they are eligible.  However, do not delay benefits once the expedited service minimum actions are completed.

Work Registration

7 CFR § 273.2(i)(4)(i)(B)

Work registration is completed by signing the application.

Postponed Actions

7 CFR § 273.2(i)(4)(iii)(A) 

EDGs must complete all postponed actions by the SOP in accordance with traditional processing timeframes. Verification requirements may be postponed until the second month of SNAP participation. 


7 CFR § 273.2(i)(4)(iii)(A)-(B) & 7 CFR § 273.10(g)(1)(i)(A)-(B)

Issue a Conditional Approval notice advising the EDG that benefits will not continue after the first or 2nd month until all postponed actions are completed.  The notice must contain the following information:

  • benefits will end if all postponed actions are not completed, 
  • what actions are still needed, 
  • the due date when the actions must be completed, and
  • changes in benefits based on completed actions are made without advance notice.

EDG Fails to Complete Postponed Actions

7 CFR § 273.2(i)(4)(iii)(D)

The case automatically ends after the first or 2nd month if the EDG fails to complete the postponed actions within 30 days of the application file date. No further notice is required. 

Exception: The EDG must complete all actions by end of the 2nd month to receive continued benefits when the application is filed after the 15th of the month.