7 CFR § 273.11(e)(1)

Eligible addiction treatment centers are exempt from institution rules.

Eligible Addiction Treatment Centers

7 CFR § 271.2 & 7 CFR § 273.11(e)(2)(i)

Eligible addiction treatment centers must be:

  • approved by the USDA, FNS as a retailer; DAA facilities wishing to apply with USDA FNS to become authorized to accept and use a recipient’s benefits, may apply at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailer-apply, or
  • a private nonprofit organization or institution, or a publicly operated community mental health center funded or eligible for funding under Part B of Title XIX of the Public Health Service Act, certified by the state of Connecticut.

Submit information to the SNAP Public Assistance Consultant assigned to your field office for a determination of eligibility if the center’s eligible status is unknown.

Resident Eligibility

7 CFR § 273.1(b)(7)(vi)(B) & (7 CFR § 273.7(b)(1)(vi) & 7 CFR § 273.11(e)(1) and (2)(ii)

Residents of eligible drug or alcohol addiction treatment centers qualify for SNAP as separate EDGs from others living in the center.

Exception: Children living with their parent who is a resident of the treatment center must be included as part of the resident parent’s SNAP EDG.

The resident and their EDG must meet all SNAP eligibility requirements.

Individuals regularly participating in a drug or alcohol treatment program are exempt from work requirements.

Applying for SNAP

7 CFR § 273.2(n)(ii) & 7 CFR § 273.11(e)(1)

A designated employee of the treatment center must apply as the authorized representative (A-Rep) for the resident while the resident is in the treatment center.


7 CFR § 273.11(e)(2)(ii)

Residents of treatment centers are eligible for the same service and processing standards as other SNAP recipients.

Treatment center EDGs must meet the same eligibility requirements as other SNAP recipients with the exception of shelter expenses.

Shelter Expenses

7 CFR § 273.11(e)(2)(ii)

Allow any identified shelter expenses paid by the resident. If a single payment covers multiple expenses, deduct the following identified costs from the payment:

  • medical expenses (if applicable, allow toward the medical deduction)
  • amount returned to the resident for personal use, and
  • the maximum SNAP benefit for the number of individuals in the EDG.

Allow any remaining amount as the shelter expense.

Reporting Requirements

7 CFR § 273.11(e)(2)(iii) & 7 CFR § 273.12(a)

The center as A-Rep must report as required by the Simplified Reporting rules. 

Exception: The center is required to report when the resident leaves the center. See Center Requirements When the Resident Leaves

Treatment Center Information Requirements

7 CFR § 273.11(e)(3)(ii)

The treatment center must provide the DSS with a monthly or semi-monthly list of currently participating residents, including a statement signed by a responsible center official attesting to the validity of the list.

DSS ensures periodic, random on-site visits to the center are conducted to assure the list of eligible residents and records are consistent and up-to-date.

Center's Benefit Responsibility

7 CFR § 273.11(e)(7)

Centers are responsible for all:

  • losses or misuse of benefits, and
  • overpayments occurring while acting as the individual’s A-Rep.

Center Requirements When the Resident Leaves

7 CFR § 273.11(e)(6)(i)-(iv)

When the resident leaves the treatment center it must:

  • notify the State agency of the EDG’s change in address and new address if known, and that they are no longer the EDG’s A-Rep;
  • provide the EDG its EBT card within 5 days of the EDG’s departure, if the center had the EBT card;
  • provide the EDG with a change report form, and advise the EDG to return the form to DSS within 10 days; and
  • return a prorated share of the EDG’s benefits based on the number of days the EDG resided at the center.

If the resident leaves before the center can take those actions, then the center must:

  • notify the State agency within 5 days so that the State agency can transfer the refund from the GLA or Center’s bank account to the EDG’s EBT account; and
  • return the EDG’s EBT card to DSS within 5 days of the EDG leaving. 

Last Update

Source # 3

Effective Date: 5/15/19