7 CFR § 273.2(g)

Complete the eligibility determination as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the application file date.  

Exception:  See Expedited Service, Processing Timeframes.  

When eligibility determinations aren’t completed within 30 days, Follow Agency Caused Delays or Actions Completed on Denied Applications 31 to 60 Days from Application File .


7 CFR § 273.2(g)(1)

Provide eligible CGs the opportunity to receive benefits as soon as possible, but no later than 30-calendar days from the application file date.  

See Benefits for issuance information for: 

Eligible Initial Month Only 

7 CFR § 273.10(a)(1)(iii)(3)

CGs eligible for the initial month but not eligible for future months receive benefits for the initial month only.  

Ineligible for Initial Month Only 

7 CFR § 273.10(a)(1)(iii)(3)

CGs ineligible for the initial month but eligible for the next month do not need to reapply.  Begin the CG’s benefit period the month of application, but issue benefits beginning the next month.  Do not issue benefits for the initial month. 


7 CFR § 273.2(g)(3)

Deny the application for EDGs found ineligible when the determination is made but no later than 30-calendar days from the application file date.  

In all cases of denial due to ineligibility, the EDG must file a new application if they wish to receive benefits.

EDG Caused Delay

7 CFR § 273.2(g)(3) & (h)(2)(i)(A) 

Deny the application on the 30th calendar day from the application file date due to EDG caused delays. 

If the EDG completes the required actions within 31 to 60 days from the filing date, and is not eligible, deny when the ineligibility determination is made.

Agency Caused Delay

7 CFR § 273.2(h)(3)(ii)

Deny the application as soon as the ineligibility determination is made.