
7 CFR § 273.2(f)(2) and (4)(i)-(iv) & 7 CFR § 273.8(e)(8) and (18)

Verify the following:

  • Assets are below the appropriate asset limit
  • Equity value of an asset
  • Inaccessible real property.  Verify the EDG is making a good faith effort to sell the property at a reasonable price.  Use collateral contacts and documents, such a but not limited to:
    • Newspaper ads
    • Real estate broker listings
  • Inaccessible assets
  • Jointly-owned assets.  Verify the EDG:
    • has ownership/partial ownership
    • can only access a portion, and the value of the portion; or
    • cannot subdivide the property without the joint owner’s approval. 
  • Loan exemptions
  • Questionable asset information
  • Reason for excluding an asset
  • Transferred assets

See Suggested Verification Sources

Case Notes

7 CFR § 273.2(f)(6) & 7 CFR § 273.8(c)  

Enter case notes to support the asset determination.