Determining Eligibility
7 CFR § 273.1(d)(1) & 7 CFR § 273.7(j)(3)(vii) & 7 CFR § 273.10(a)(2) and (c)(3) and (d)(4) and (e)(2)(v) and (e)(3)(vii) and (f) and (g)(2) & 7 CFR § 273.14(a)(d)(2)
Determine eligibility based on circumstances anticipated for the benefit period starting the month following the last month of the current benefit period.
Review ImpaCT for:
- case information,
- inconsistencies, or
- verifications not previously provided that are due at renewal. See Change Processing and Simplified Reporting.
Use information reported on the renewal application, obtained during the interview, and any required verifications to determine the EDG’s eligibility for the new benefit period.
Keep the head of household at renewal, unless the EDG selects someone else.
Disqualify members or the EDG when a member voluntarily quits a job or reduces their hours without good cause during the last month of the benefit period. Begin the disqualification the first day of the new benefit period.
Clear any outstanding data matches.
Budget the EDG’s income and deductions following Determining Income, Expenses and Deductions policy. Exception: See Destitute EDGs.
Send the appropriate notice to advise the EDG of their renewal determination.
Issuing Benefits
7 CFR § 273.10(a)(2) & 7 CFR § 273.14(d)(2)
Benefits are not issued for the new benefit period before the previous benefit period ends.
Expedited Service
7 CFR § 273.2(i) & 7 CFR § 273.14(f)
EDGs are not eligible for expedited service if the EDG files a renewal application before the end of their current benefit period.
Provide expedited service, if eligible, to EDGs filing renewal applications after the end of their current benefit period.
Note: A new application is required if the renewal application is filed more than 30 days after the end of their current benefit period.
Ineligible for Benefits the First Month of the New Benefit Period
7 CFR § 273.10(a)(2)-(3)
EDGs ineligible for the initial renewal month but eligible for the next month do not need to reapply. Begin the EDG’s benefit period the month of application, but issue benefits beginning the next month. Do not issue benefits for the initial month.
Destitute EDGs
7 CFR § 273.10(e)(3)(i)-(vii)
Destitute rules apply for the first month of the renewal period for migrant or seasonal farmworkers.
Exclude income from a new source the first month of the renewal period when the income:
- is less than $25, and
- will not be received by the 10th calendar day from the SNAP issuance.
Work Registration
7 CFR § 273.7(b)(1)(i) and (iv) & (2)(ii) & (c)
Review the following at renewal:
- Work exemptions, including but not limited to:
- Children who turned 16 years of age during the current benefit period, must:
- register for work, or
- meet another exemption.
- Parents caring for a child who turned 6 during the current benefit period must:
- register for work, or
- meet another exemption
- temporary disability ends
- ABAWD status
- Changes to the EDG composition and head of household status. Enter case notes for any changes to the head of household.
Advise the EDG of:
- ABAWD work requirements,
- general work requirements,
- their rights and responsibilities, and
- penalties for failure to comply.
Update the work registration status if needed.