7 USC 2026

This section describes policies and procedures related to Connecticut’s Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP).  ESAP streamlines various requirements, such as verification and recertification, for eligible elderly and disabled households applying for or participating in SNAP.


As authorized by 7 USC 2026, Department of Social Services has requested and received federal approval to implement an Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) demonstration project.  This demonstration has been approved to operate beginning in 9/21/20.  


A household is eligible for ESAP if it does not receive countable earned income and where all adult members are: 

       Are age 60 or older;

       Have a disability;

Children may be present in the household, however the presence of a disabled child(ren) in the household alone will not make a household ESAP-eligible. 



ESAP households will apply using the same forms available for applying for regular SNAP – the W-1E/W-1ES form or ConneCT online application. Eligibility staff should review the application to ensure the following: 

  • All adult household members are elderly or disabled 
  • No presence of countable earned income in the household 

ESAP households are eligible for Expedited Service.  Please review application within expedited time frames to ensure the Standard of Promptness is being met. 


At application, ESAP households will receive an initial interview per current SNAP policies. This is done to help familiarize SNAP applicants with eligibility requirements, appropriate deductions, and reporting processes.  

At renewal, if additional criteria is met, ESAP households may be eligible for a waived interview

Even if the ESAP SNAP EDG is eligible for a waived interview, if ineligibility exists, never close an ESAP recertification without first attempting to schedule a recertification interview. 


Automated resources should be used as verification for ESAP households whenever possible. Data exchanges may not be able to verify some information, such as some income (e.g. pensions). In those cases, the household must provide documentation.  

Per current state procedures, ESAP households may self-declare their shelter expenses.

Households must continue to verify non-citizen status (if applicable), excess medical expenses, child support payments, and any questionable or contradictory information.

After application, client statement is an acceptable form of verification for unearned income for ESAP households, unless the information is questionable


There are no special budgeting procedures for ESAP households.  They should be budgeted like a regular SNAP case. 

Certification Period

ESAP households are certified for 36-months. Review the EDG Summary screen of your SNAP EDG in ImpaCT to ensure that the system has granted a 36-month certification period. 

Change Reporting Requirements

ESAP households are also subject to mandatory reporting requirements, but they are different than traditional SNAP households. They are required to report changes that disqualify them from ESAP eligibility, including:

  • a change in household composition (i.e. an able-bodied household member enters the household)
  • receipt of earned income
  • When a household receives lottery or gambling winnings in equal to or greater than $4,500.  

They may also report changes that may increase their benefit amount.  

These changes should be reported within ten (10) days from the month in which the change occurred. Reported changes should be processed in the same manner as a regular SNAP case .   

If a household no longer qualifies for ESAP, they should be immediately converted back to regular SNAP.  See Converting a Household from ESAP to Regular SNAP for instructions on how to convert an ESAP household back to SNAP.


ESAP households must complete and return the W-1ER by the 15th day of the 36th month of certification in order to avoid any interruption in benefits. 

The recertification interview is waived for ESAP households unless:

•       The packet is not provided timely and verifications are not complete        

•       The household will be denied; 

       Information provided is questionable or contradictory; or 

       The household requests an interview. 

The case may be renewed for another 36 months upon completion of the recertification process. 

Conversion of Households

With the onset of the ESAP waiver, Connecticut will immediately convert all newly defined ESAP-eligible households as well as any household that meets the ESAP eligibility requirements, unless the household’s Verification Checklist or other requested documents are outstanding. Remaining households will convert to ESAP upon an approved eligibility determination. 

If an eligibility worker determines a regular household is ESAP-eligible at periodic report or recertification, ImpaCT will add these households to the demonstration. 

All clients converted to ESAP will be notified by a Notice of Action that will inform the household of any change in certification period, reporting procedures and/or responsibilities.

If during their certification period, an ESAP household becomes ineligible for ESAP, but remains eligible for SNAP, ImpaCT will remove the household from the ESAP demonstration and convert the household to a regular SNAP household in accordance with the simplified reporting regulations. However, the system will maintain the ESAP certification period. At the time of conversion the household will no longer be covered by any waivers of this demonstration except for the 36 month certification period. 

Households must be notified of the changes in their status and responsibilities at the time they are removed from the demonstration and converted to regular SNAP. At the end of the 36-month certification period, ImpaCT will assign eligible households who complete normal SNAP recertification requirements the appropriate certification period according to regular SNAP policy. 

If eligibility staff becomes aware that a regular SNAP household is eligible for the ESAP at recertification, including households that were former ESAP participants removed from the demonstration due to changes in circumstances, ImpaCT will add these households to the demonstration and inform the households of their new status, reporting procedures, and responsibilities.

Fair Hearings

ESAP households have the same right to a fair hearing as any other SNAP household. 


ESAP-eligible households will receive the same notices as households that are subject to regular SNAP policy. However, there will be specialized notice fragments on the Notice of Action informing the ESAP-eligible households of their revised reporting requirements. 

Last Update

Source # 15

Effective Date: 10/01/2024